DIY: Kanap i detalj za teglu - Twine Wraped Bottle, Vase, Jar , Flowerpot ... [ EN/SRB]

You can turn something that would otherwise be thrown away into something that is really cool.
You can wrapped various bottles and jars in twine. They looked so simple and elegant.
DIY: Twine Wraped Bottle, Vase, Jar , flowerpot
My first Twine wraped vasa . I made it before 28 days 
Idea For Christmas
Christmas Idea 

What You Need: 
Empty – cleaned and dried – wine bottle or mason jar
Jute or Twine
Craft Glue
An old magazine or newspaper [ or something else] to put under your project
DIY: Twine Wraped Bottle, Vase, Jar , flowerpot
What you need
Let's start
STEP 1. Apply a small, vertical line of  glue [ or super glue] toward on top or bottom.
On jar I started from the bottom [ it is easier for me] on bottle I will start from the top [because "baze" is more stabile ].
Just give the glue a minute or two to dry.

Recept: Pita od hleba "hlebara" by Bojana Vagner

"Evo obecala sam Tanji recept za pitu koja se u nasoj kuci najcesce pravi kad nestane plate :). Dosao je i taj dan :)" 
Bojana Vagner

"Hvala za recept Bojana.
Ukusna, hrskava poslastica za ove hladne zimske dane.
Brzo je  pripremim i jos brze je  pojedemo."
Recept, pita, od hleba, hlebara
Pita hlebara. Photo: Bojana Vagner  


Za okrugli pleh od 30cm iseckala sam oko 250g starog hleba.

Iseckala sam oko 250g starog hleba. Photo: Bojana Vagner 
Moja deca vole tanju i hrskaviju pitu, moglo je i vise hleba, onda unutrasnjost pite bude socnija, ali onda treba i da se poveca kolicina preliva.