The nature reserve Obedska bara
[photos Obedska Bara are on slide show are with more snow and made by day]
Obedska pond
The area of Obedska Bara is located in the southeastern area of Srem district in Vojvodina-Serbia, between the settlements of Kupinovo, Obrež, Grabovci and the Sava river, only 40 km west of Belgrade.
Pronašla sam odličan sajt za učenje fonetike ruskog jezika. Pošto sam svuda pronalazila samo parcijalna objašnjenja, bacila sam se u potragu za sajtom koji obrađuje temu,pravila izgovora, čitanja, intonacije u rečenici .
I mnoge stvari su mi mnogo, mnogo jasnije !
Naime kada bih čitala i pisala moj prevod je bio fantastičan. Kada bi trebala da razumem šta mi je neko rekao, pošto Rusi "uzivo" pricaju jako brzo i prilicno tiho [bar ovi koje susrecem], ostajala sam zbunjena i razočarana.
A tek kada bih ja nesto rekla OMG ... Često su me beldunjavo gledali :(
Zar i posle toliko sati provedenih za knjigom ? Ali ...
Profesorka Irina Gabzova sa Pedagoškog fakulteta, Univerziteta u Brnu je zaista odličan predvač.
Sajt je kocipiran tako da vas ne gnjavi previše, već vas uvodi u jezik primerima.
Практические упражнения по фонетике русского языка, PhDr. Irina Hobzová, Университет им. Масарика, Брно, Педагогический факультет FONETIKA RUSKOG JEZIKA sa vežbama. Odličan način i pravila i primeri izgovora - možete slušati i pročitati i zapisati reči. Sajt je na Ruskom jeziku, ali vam to upošte neće biti prepreka da slušate i naučte pravila izgovora i čitanja!
Da li je važno znati kako čitati bilo koji strani jezik?
Ruska azbuka
Video koji nas uci izgovru ruske azbuke i primeri
Odgovor na ovo pitanje može biti samo potvrdan.
Kada učite novi jezik (španski, nemački, francuski, ...), učićete nove reči, kako ih pročitati i kako ih izgovoriti, s pismom koji se koristi u tom jeziku. Zatim, ako želite naučiti ruski, trebate naučiti rusku azbuku, zar ne?
Učenjem ruske azbuke (русский алфавит) i znajući kako da čitati ovo pismo, je prvi korak na putu da govore taj jezik.
Osim toga, puno je lakše nego što možda mislite.
Ovaj kratki kurs je podeljen u sedam lekcija i možete završiti sve za samo jedan ili dva dana.
Dakle, ne žurite i završite ovaj kurs.Vremena koje ćete potrošiti za učenje je dobro uloženo vreme.
I am beginner knitting and it is result after watching this video. I start today and I will try to save any useful link help to me to learn to knit.
After first knitting lessons. Photo: Tatjana Dimitrijevic.
Knitting Tutorial for Beginners- 1. Slip Knot
Knitting Tutorial for Beginners- 2. Knit Stitch, Bind Off in Knit Stitch
How to Knit In today's high speed world, knitting is surprisingly enjoying a revival of sorts as a calming yet productive hobby.
Whether it's a middle-aged man knitting in his cubicle to help keep his blood pressure in check or a child being taught to knit in school because it teaches hand-and-eye coordination,[1] the new generation of knitters do not fall neatly into any one category.
If you want to jump on the knitting bandwagon, this step by step pictorial, geared for beginners, should start you on your way to a lifetime of knitting.
Many stitches exist, but you are using the knit stitch to begin.
The entire purpose of this very elementary knitting lesson is to teach the basics of casting on, knitting a row, and then casting off. Learn this and you can start knitting any basic article. Contents
1 Steps
1.1 Making a Yarn Ball
1.2 Making a Slip Knot
1.3 Casting On
1.4 Knitting Stitches
1.5 Casting Off
2 Video
3 Tips
4 Warnings
5 Things You'll Need
6 Related wikiHows
7 Sources and Citations
Take a second and think back to when you first started knitting. Were you intimidated by difficult techniques? Was it hard to find patterns at your skill level? Did you want a list of beginner knitting patterns? Preferably free beginner knitting patterns?
I remember being frustrated by all the terms and techniques. I wanted to knit items I would actually use or give away, but I didn’t think I could create those unless I knew all the stitches and advanced knitting techniques.
If you’re a beginner knitter and need some easy patterns to start out with, this list is for you. You also might be an experienced knitter that just wants an easier pattern for some mindless knitting.
The following 25 patterns don’t involve much more than knit and purl stitches. Some require you to knit in the round or do simple increases and decreases. They all leave you with a beautiful knitting creation and best of all, these patterns are all available for free! (Some are from Ravelry, so you’ll need a free account there to access them.) continue