Zimnica: Visnje

Zimnica: Visnje
Zimnica: Visnje

Naberite lepe visnje, operite, ocistite od kostica.
Na svakih 5kgr. ociscenih visanja
dodajte 1 kesicu konzervansa
1kgr secera
3 kasike sirceta
1 kasiku vode

Izmesajte i ostavite da odstoje 24h.
Stavite u tegle, povezati celofanom i istavite u ostavu.
Spremne su za lepe kolace!

Autor: Mira Mira Vujic 

Home: Kako aranzirati sto za svecane prilike

Evo nekoliko sugestija, instrukcija ili ideja  o postavljanju stola za svecane prilike :

Kako aranzirati sto za svecane prilike

1) Pre plitkog tanjira se postavlja podtanjir koji je veći od plitkog tanjira i on se ne koristi za jelo. On služi kao podmetač za ostale tanjire. Obično je od mesinga ili porcelana. Na početku jela na njemu se nalazi samo tanjir za predjelo, a kasnije se iznose i ostali tanjiri.

Fashion: The ideal length for a necklace

Understand Necklace Sizing 

:: Necklaces traditionally come in seven lengths. Depending on the length, the necklace will hang to a different part of the wearer's body. 10- to 13-inch necklaces: Short necklaces, such as chokers, wrap close around the neck and measure 10 to 13 inches long.

Fashion: A western History of Handbags

Bags have got their importance and play a vital role in our lives all the time. One cannot imagine going to a party, on shopping, a gathering, to school, college, office, to an adventurous tour or anywhere else without carrying a bag with us. Bags are just like a magic box that provides us with whatever we want according to our needs. Bags are a symbol of ultimate glamour and luxury for ladies. Where ever you go, you will be the focus of people and get compliments from your near and dear ones.